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Project Management System

Built for a fictitious structural engineering firm, this application allows users to capture details about projects and the people associated with them. Each project has a customer, contractor, architect, engineer, and project manager associated with it.

Information about the projects and people can be updated. Information is stored and retrieved from a local MySQL database. Projects are marked as completed with a completion date entered and an invoice is generated with the customer’s information if there’s an outstanding amount to be paid.

Task manager

Written in Python, this task manager can be used in any context to assign tasks to different people. Statistics about the tasks are available to the admin user. Information is stored and retrieved from text files. Tasks are recorded in a CSV format.

Nose Game

A simple game; just for fun! Play as a nose navigating the perils of a germ-filled environment. Your only hope is a roll of toilet paper. Written in Python using the PyGame library.

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